Employing the right people for your organisation is vital for the success of your business. Recruiting and training new staff is time consuming and costly, so you need to make sure you get it right the first time.
You should take the time to develop a strong recruitment process to ensure that you not only find quality employees, but also save time and money on replacing and training new people. A good recruitment process also ensures that your search for viable candidates is as efficient as possible.
The first step in any recruitment process is knowing the skills and experience that the new employee NEEDS to have in order to do the job. So having a Job Description for the role really is a must – and also plays an important role when undertaking staff Performance Reviews…and in the event you need to Performance Manage an employee.
The next step is creating a job advertisement that will attract the RIGHT candidates. You should promote the specific & relevant criteria and responsibilities of the role – along with the benefits of working for YOUR organisation. Remember, it is an “advertisement” and you are trying to attract top quality candidates to apply.
Step 3 is Screening and Shortlisting. To assist with shortlisting, you need to ensure that you have a screening system in place. Use a systematic set of questions (such as an ATS) to determine if candidates are suitable for the needs of the role, and implement skills testing where applicable. You could even use Video Interviewing as part of the process to check for communication skills and cultural fit. These steps ensure that you are choosing people to bring in for interview based on relevant metrics rather than a ‘gut feeling’. Making decisions just from a candidate’s resume, is VERY restrictive.
Finally, you need to consider your interview process. It’s a good idea to have a set list of interview questions prior to meeting with candidates. This way you know that you are asking relevant questions to ascertain the right fit for the role. You should consider asking behavioural based questions, and ask candidates to provide actual examples of what they did in previous work situations.
Implementing a quality recruitment process to help you find great employees now will save you time and money on replacing and training new people in the long term.
Why Not Outsource YOUR recruitment and save the Headache, Time and Money?
Acworth Recruitment has over 7 years of experience using a highly streamlined recruitment process which is both efficient and effective, while also involving our clients in the shortlisting process by providing highly detailed information on quality applicants.
Acworth Recruitment is a genuine outsource recruitment option with a cost-effective hourly charge model. You can outsource as much or as little as you want. No job is too big or too small – $50 to $5,000.
For an obligation free discussion feel free to give Kim Acworth a call on 0411 278 281 or email at finders@acworthrecruitment.com.au.
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