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Have you packed your Career Map?

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When we are faced with sudden changes in our life, such as redundancy, we are often forced to re-examine what we actually want to pursue in life. Sudden change is often the catalyst, and even permission, to consider making significant changes to our lifestyle. Redundancy seems to make us question whether or not we should consider making that career change we dream about, but have otherwise been too preoccupied to consider.

Most career transition clients I work with are the result of redundancy; and for these clients there are often added layers of pressure and stress to find a job so that they can pay the mortgage. While they are generally able to assess all of their options and make a sound choice employment decision; most of my clients wish they had more time up their sleeves to allow them to embark on a career change or pursue their dream job.

So what happens? Job security and financial pressure overrides the ability to take the next step towards their dream job or career. This is making a decision out of fear; the fear of not paying the mortgage, the fear of not landing a job or the fear of making the wrong next move.

Career transition is rarely instantaneous – it takes time and planning. Career transition is also a multi-step process, with some professions requiring specific qualifications, which could mean committing to study or practical experience.

So where do you start? It gets back to basics – you need to know your destination. Once you know your destination you can plot your map from where you are now and work out the best way to get there.

There are three questions that can help you determine your ideal career or dream job.

1. What is my desired lifestyle?
That could be, I want a job that allows me to attend my kid’s school activities, I want to have flexible work hours or I want a job located close to home so I can reduce my commute.

2. What are my current skills?
List them all. Your ‘work’ skills that always make your resume.
Next, add to this list your ‘home’ skills (organisation, coordination, negotiation).
Finally, list all your ‘soft’ skills (effective communication, excellent listener, mentor).

3. What is my dream job or career?
This is the fun one… Let your imagination roll. If you find yourself stuck with “I’ve got to pay the mortgage”. Pretend, just for this exercise, that your dream job’s salary will more than cover of it. The idea is to remove the limitation of the ‘daily grind’ and dream a little.

Now we bring them all together – have a look at your dream job/ideal career and see if it aligns with your desired lifestyle; you may need to make a few tweaks, but align the two as best you can. This is your destination!

Now, refer to your skills list; this is your starting point. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Which of my current skills can I use in my dream job/ideal career?
2. What study, experience or other skills you need to obtain to qualify for your dream job/ideal career
3. What’s the ‘gap’ look like?

Finally, create your map, making sure it includes any actions you need to take to ‘bridge’ the skills and/or experience gap.

A good map helps you avoid taking the road that leads to the river, but the bridge hasn’t been built yet. A good map helps you take the clearest, more direct path to your dream job or ideal career.

The moral of this story is: don’t wait until you’re made redundant to work out your next career move. Now is the time to create your ideal career or dream job. Now is the time to make your map – so you can be on the right road, not the one without a bridge.

Michelle Keeffe is a business and life coach from Speed of Life Coaching. She specialises in career transition and development, return to work coaching and life balance for busy people.

Michelle offers complimentary 30 minute consultations to discuss your career, business or lifestyle needs. Contact her at: or on 0400 215 277 to arrange a consultation time.

The Dreaded REDUNDANCY – Where did MY Job GO???

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In the recent weeks we’ve been looking at the constant changes in jobs with “Then and Now….Where have the Jobs Gone?? ( and “My Job has Changed Too!!” (… well as looking at what businesses should be doing to not just survive…but thrive “Business Owners – Look up and Live” (……… This week I’m turning the focus to employees and the dreaded REDUNDANCY.

As a recruiter, I speak with 100’s of people when they’re applying for positions…..and of course I’m asking the obvious question, “Why did you leave your position with Xyz Company”?

The responses vary, however, some of the most common are:
• The company was sold or bought out.
• The company decided to centralise that particular function interstate.
• Manufacturing was moved overseas.
• Downturn in the mining industry.

As I have pointed out previously….. jobs don’t just disappear over night……there are ALWAYS signs……you just need to be aware of them.

As an employee you will see little changes here and there…..positions not being replaced after someone leaves……small functions of your role (or of other roles) being passed to interstate offices or outsourced……workloads decreasing with a decline in sales. It’s up to you keep your head out of the sand – notice these things – and take some action.

Now taking action can take a number of forms:
1. Update your Resume and LinkedIn Profile to ensure it is current and accurately represents your skills and experience.
2. Start to monitor the job boards such as SEEK for another suitable role….and apply.
3. Consider upgrading or gaining relevant qualifications, licences etc.
4. Consider carefully if now is a good time to make a career change or sideways move to improve your long term employment options….and how to go about it.

In fact, I would recommend that everyone takes a regular review of their current job, career goals and personal circumstances and takes a PROACTIVE approach. Being prepared, current and on the front foot provides a safety net for your future.

Of course, doing nothing and just continuing to go to work and do your job is also a form of action…..or rather inaction.

If your Employment Profile needs a review OR you need help with the Action Checklist items above…..then make sure you’re following on Facebook ( as I’ll have a guest post from Michelle Keeffe who is a great Coach in this area later this week.

My Job Has Changed Too – Advertising….Then $1,000-$5,000….Now $200-$600

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In keeping with my current theme of the changing face of Jobs……I’ve taken some time to reflect on how my role as a Recruiter has changed…..and WOW it has really changed!!!

When I first started in recruitment back in the late 90’s (it doesn’t feel that long ago, but I know that it is……especially when I look at the technology and changes) jobs were advertised in the relevant newspapers…..and often at a significant expense.

Every week I would be liaising with my clients and considering where would be the best place to run the advertisement for their vacancy:
• The Courier Mail
• Sydney Morning Herald
• APN Newspapers
• Various specific targeted media such as The Local Government Job Directory

This would depend obviously on the role, where it was located and the budget for advertising. Often, the decision would be made to advertise across several media for high level or critical roles.

Now of course, each of these media had set deadlines to have ads finalised. Every week I would be working with the various Managers/ Business Owners to review the draft advertisements and make changes……..while liaising with the relevant Account Managers at the selected media to provide me with “Proofs” and quotes…….passing this onto the Managers/ Business Owners……cutting it back to reduce the cost…….getting another proof for approval…..and finalising prior to the cut off time.

Initially this was done by Fax…..and then moved across to email.

To run a small advertisement that really didn’t say much in it for a Receptionist would still cost at least $500 in The Courier Mail. To run a “decent” advertisement to try and attract quality candidates for a Team Leader role it would cost at least $1,200. And to run an advertisement for a Management or Director level role, the cost would be over $2,000………..and you would often decide to run the advertisement in the Sydney Morning Herald as well – resulting in the advertising cost being around $5,000!!!!

Almost all jobs had a specific close date as applications would come in via Fax or the mail.

With the wider introduction of email and most households having a computer, we were able to speed things up somewhat.

Then with SEEK hitting the scene……we saw the start of a major shift to Electronic…….Electronic job boards and lodgement of applications.

News Corp and Fairfax got on board and set up MyCareer and CareerOne – and for a while we were placing advertisements across both the newspapers and the various job boards (and I have no doubt that they were making some big $’s).

It seems that SEEK has won the Job Board battle hands down within Australia as I haven’t even considered CareerOne for a few years now…..and apparently MyCareer is now Adzuna (apparently).

Now I’m working with clients to decide if we want to use other sources such as LinkedIn as well as utilising Social Media……I’m even experimenting with a new App being developed “Video My Job”.

The average cost of advertising is now $200-$400…….and the ads are uploaded and updated directly (no more Account Manager who has to come back to you) and is instantaneous. Clearly this has been a major positive for Managers and Business Owners as the cost has been significantly reduced and we’re able to have candidates to review VERY quickly.

Once upon a time I would have a pile of hard copy applications sitting in a “Job File” to read through, make notes on, and sort into various piles… Very Good, Good, Maybe, No. I would then collated them within that order in the Job File and start from the top…….I would phone each of the “Very Good” candidates often leaving a message (which of course was on their home phone or work phone number – as mobile phones were still very new technology at that stage)……when I did get to speak with them, I would work my way through a myriad of questions to confirm basic information (such as salary, why they’ve applied, how much notice they need to be able to start etc).

Then I’d get them into the office for a face to face interview where I would analyse their employment history (how long they were really there, why they left etc) and to try and gain an indication of their “Job Fit” (nitty gritty experience, skills, capabilities, motivations etc) – before sitting them at a computer to complete relevant “skills testing” (ie typing speed, data entry, Word etc)…….all of this taking me approximately 1.5 hours per candidate.

Now a days I receive ALL applications via email. After a quick review of the applications, I then direct those who are potentially suited for the role through to a Link for an Online Application Portal – where they’ll answer a series of specific questions which provides details around salary, why they’ve applied, how much notice they need to be able to start etc… well as any specific technical details (such as for IT, Accounting or Engineering roles).

From there I’m able to shortlist more accurately before picking up the phone to speak with candidates…..resulting in less phone calls……and the phone calls being shorter as the candidate has already provided the basic information…..oh and I always call their mobile phone number.

After discussing details with the candidate and determining that they really are a genuine contender for the role…..I then use some you beaut video interview technology to get them “in front” of my client faster.

I’m now able to use technology to not only make the process more cost effect for my clients, but to speed it up while providing more information and giving them a “real” preview of candidates.

I still see many of my competitors, colleagues and experienced HR Managers who are VERY reluctant to change and embrace technology.

I’m not sure if this is due to lack of confidence with technology……not wanting to or able to put the time into experimenting or trialling…..or fear that they’ll do themselves out of their job.

I know for sure that RecruitLoop’s recorded video interviews and web-based platform have been embraced by my clients as it provides them with confidence to only spend time interviewing the “top” candidates……and increases the trust they have in me as their outsourced Recruiter…..RecruitLoop’s technology is my biggest selling point!!!

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Business Owners – Look up and Live!!

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As I mentioned in my last blog ( – Businesses don’t just disappear over night…..there are ALWAYS signs.

The business owners who only have their heads down within the business and keep doing things the same, may continue to survive for some time, but are unlikely to thrive…….and are at risk of extinction in the long term.

We’ve all seen the demise of numerous specialty produce shops ie fruit & veg, butchers, bakers etc to the Coles and Woolworth’s giants……and yet we still see a decent number surviving……and a handful are actually thriving……even with some being located right beside one of their giant competitors.

Why – what are the deciding factors as to whether a business is going to die, survive or thrive?

Well I don’t think it’s Rocket Science…….it comes down to sales….and for that, you need a good volume of clients buying from you…..and not your competitor.

You can never rest on your laurels assuming that your existing clients will always be loyal to your business……you need to ensure that they have a very good reason to remain loyal.

So how do you do this?
• Ensuring that you understand your customers – where they come from, why they buy from you, what they’re actually buying, what they like & need etc
• Knowing and understanding your competitors – where are they, who buys from them, what do they do differently to you, what are their product lines/ services etc
• Understand how you differ from your competitors – what do you do differently, what is different about your products/ services, what makes you stand out etc
Monitoring new trends and changes in the market – are there new products/ services available that you should be offering, is there new technology available to make the customer experience better, is there new technology available to reduce overheads to your business

And then ACTIVELY using this information to make CONSTANT business IMPROVEMENTS – whether they be large or small.

Now business improvement doesn’t always take the form of addition and growth. Sometimes a business will actually improve by reducing product lines or services, streamlining activities or even physical relocation. The key is really to ensure that you always take the time and effort to “work on your business” and not just “in it”.

If we go back to the earlier example of specialty produce shops – we all know a local butcher or fruit and veg shop that has been around for ever and is the “go to” place in your area. I can guarantee you that many things have changed since they opened their doors…….products and how they are presented (who even heard of Kale 5 years ago – Master Chef and My Kitchen Rules have certainly changed the playing field), where they source their produce, eftpos, pricing…..and the list goes on……and clearly the changes they constantly made were improvements that allowed them to maintain a competitive edge within their market.

So do you know if your business is going to die, survive or thrive? Make sure you’re following on Facebook ( so don’t miss the guest blog from Pathfinder Advisors around “Plan for Growth”.

Where have the jobs gone???

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Now (Garbage Trucks)             Then (garbage truck)

Then……………………………………………………………….and Now

Does anyone remember the days when your household garbage was collected by hand with a couple of guys running around behind the rubbish truck??? They would physically pick up each bin, carry them to the truck, empty out the rubbish and take the bin back to the footpath.


Each truck then had 3 people employed with it……1 to drive the truck and 2 guys to carry out the physical collection.


Now we have larger wheelie bins that are physically lifted by a mechanical arm which is operated by the driver from within the truck – emptied and placed back down. Only one employee is needed to carry the same function out now…….and by the way, even that is contracted out by the Local Council.


So how many unskilled labouring jobs were lost throughout Australia with this change? Sufficed to say A LOT!!!


This is only one of many, many, many examples of jobs that either have disappeared completely or are at risk of extinction!!!


Call Centres are another great example. In the mid to late 1990’s I was involved in recruiting up to 50 call centre operators at a time for all the big banks, Telstra etc……….now much of this has moved offshore.


Not to mention the car manufacturing industry………bye bye Holden!!


So why do jobs disappear?

  • Technology advances……mechanics and robotics are faster and more reliable
  • Economy ups and downs…….building and construction is often on a roller coaster
  • International Trade and Labour Markets…….can it be produced cheaper over seas
  • Environmental awareness and compliance…….the mining industry is exhibit A
  • Politics…….solar rebates and the insulation scheme saw businesses made and broken in the swings and round-abouts
  • Market changes…..what do people actually want and need


This evolution of jobs has been happening since the start of time – and it certainly isn’t going to stop now!!


Those people who have an attitude of complacency and have their heads firmly stuck in the sand are the ones who will continue to be left behind…..without a job or without their business……and stick their hands up in the air wondering what happened…….feeling lost and afraid for their future…..and in many cases taking on a “blame everyone else” mentality.


I know this may come as a surprise to many……but jobs and business don’t just disappear over night……there are ALWAYS signs……we just need to be aware of them and take action!!


In this series of blogs, I’m going to be looking at businesses and how they can position themselves not only to survive, but thrive……as well as when it is time to make difficult decisions.


I’ll also look at the future of job security from the employee perspective……if your job is at risk of extinction, what can you do……what are the jobs for the future.


Tips for Employers (about Gen Y)

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Provide Clear UPFRONT Structure & Boundaries: Make sure you have basic company policies around things like “use of mobile phones in the workplace”, “sick leave” and “personal presentation” and explain these upfront through a general induction on their first day. Then make sure you consistently enforce this throughout the company – ie raise the issue immediately in a conversation when they step outside the boundary (this saves it becoming a bigger issue and more difficult conversation down the track) and apply the rules to EVERYONE.

Explain what you need and why:
Y Gens need to feel like their work is contributing to the bigger picture, so put their position in context. If they don’t understand why a task is important they’re unlikely to care and deliver top notch results……..They tend to ask LOTS of questions, especially around the “why”……so be prepared for that – provide genuine responses and refrain from feeling frustrated.

Praise and appreciation: Showing your Gen Y the value and affect their work has is invaluable. Did they produce an analysis report that helped you rectify flaws in a training program? Tell them! Show them the positive influence their work had. Regular performance reviews are critical for the Y Gen…..throw out your idea of once a year Annual Appraisals and Reviews……it doesn’t always have to be in a formal setting…..and doesn’t have to take any longer than 15-30mins…..regular feedback is what they crave.

Coaching & Development: Gen Ys grew up in the internet generation, constantly furthering themselves by reading lists of hints and tips on a huge range of subjects. They soak up info! They have absolutely no desire to sit still in the one role doing the same tasks for the next 2 years…..or even 1 year. Provide your Gen Y with opportunities for further training and exposure within the workplace….and potentially through formal avenues as well. If they feel challenged and that they are growing and improving, they’re likely to apply themselves more and stick around longer.

Tips for Parents

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We know Gen Y are typically struggling in the workforce….what can you as a parent do to give your child the best shot?

Let them find their own way: Avoid handing your kids opportunities on a silver platter. For example, you might have a connection who can secure your child a work experience position. That’s great! However, instead of setting it up yourself, allow your child to make the call and ask themselves.

Praise: Positive praise goes a long way, but make sure you encourage hard work and dedication as opposed to encouraging self-indulgent mindsets about being “special” or “gifted”.

Lead by example: Children are typically most influenced by their parents, particularly during their formative years. They will pick up on how you handle conflict or setbacks. Encourage your children to consider all perspectives of a situation as well as the options to try and create a solution……one of the best tips I ever had was “the only person you can change, is yourself… have no control over others….but can influence and lead by example”.

Encourage them to “Get out There”
: I’ve heard numerous recent reports while discussing this blog series with others – of parents not allowing their children to have jobs while in High School. Whilst academic success is definitely important…..real world experience is just as important….and HIGHLY sort after by employers.

Tips for Gen Ys

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If you’ve been following our articles this week, you’ll know we’ve been blaming parents for Gen Ys attitude in the workforce……to combat this doom and gloom, here are some ways Gen Ys can up their game……

Keep moving: Avoid sitting idle at all costs. Don’t have a part-time/ casual job? Get one, even if the only place hiring isn’t your first preference (or sixth).

Everything is an experience: Has a job or internship left a bad taste in your mouth? Great, now you know what you don’t like.  Every experience has a silver lining.

Take action: Ask for help and advice when you need it, but take action yourself. Have an issue with a teacher/friend/boss? Ask your parents for guidance, but when it comes down to it make the call or have the conversation yourself.  That conversation while seems intimidating – the worst that can happen is that there is no change. Also – practice makes perfect!!

Find a mentor: Keep an eye out for someone (or multiple someone’s) to help guide you. For example, a more experienced colleague who can help you understand the industry, expectations of employers, and the ins and outs of business making-decisions.

Understanding Gen Ys in the Workplace

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The joys (and not so joys!) of employing Gen Y’s and Gen I’s (The millenialists or ipad, iphone, imac generation)
Having worked with Kim for some time now. She does the fabulous and fantastic job of finding these wonderful people, and since 1988 (yes that long ago!) I have had a passion for understanding and studying personality types. (Kim and her clients often use my services for this very important task)

The 3 questions of recruiting of course can be summed up as follows:-
1) Can they do the job?
2) Will they do the job?
3) Will they fit in?

Kim has the mighty task of finding out the answers to questions 1 and 2, and 3 is where I help. Jim Collins in his often quoted book ‘Good to Great’ stated ‘before you even decide where you are going get the wrong people off the bus, get the right people in the right seats on the bus’.

My job in assisting Kim is understanding the different personalities so that the new employee fits in. Tempering their enthusiasm can be one thing, but if at a foundational level they will never fit in, it is a waste of everyone’s time and effort.

Unfortunately while personality profiling is a relatively simple concept to get some kind of idea about, few master it.

I am a master of personality profiling and if you want a clue as to who may not be, ask them to describe a particular personality. If they answer with a colour – ‘a red’ or ‘a blue’ or animals another favourite – ‘peacock’ etc..or letters ‘ENFJ’ or a ‘D’ or an ‘S’ you can be pretty much assured they probably came along to a short course of mine from a few years back, and did not listen very well!

There are five or six of them floating around Brisbane ‘experts’ and putting people in neat boxes. Understanding the mix we need and the balance of the differing aspects of our personalities is so important. We don’t fit in one box. (Well I suppose we all do sooner or later but we don’t like talking too much about that box! A coffin! Aargh!!)

Okay, so moving right along, before we move on to the where to from here, let’s look at why personality profiling and Gen Y’s and I’s is so important. We sometimes get the impression from them that they arrive with a huge sense of entitlement. An entitlement that oozes the feeling that they expect to be in the CEO’s chair by 5pm on their first day; in fact lunchtime would be better!!

Of course, some of them may become CEO material, however when we sit down with them, and explain what their profile really means, combined with engaging language often their realisation starts to focus, that being happy at work in the right role is much more important!

Where to from here? If you are going to get recruiting done right, you need to do all the steps, and that starts with Kim, and finishes with me, BEFORE you employ the new person.

For up to date personality profiling contact myself, John Flett. 0408 002 550 or or check out the website


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Tuesday Intern Jarrah

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What do you study?
I’m currently in the final year of my degree at the University of Queensland. I am studying a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Business Management, majoring in Human Resources, Anthropology, and English Language and Communication.

Why intern at RecruitLoop?
During my penultimate year at the University of Queensland I became involved in a program for students which allowed me to access companies holding business-related internships in Brisbane. I chose to intern at RecruitLoop as it fits in very well with my Human Resources study, and has allowed me to understand how ‘real-world’ recruitments works in many different employment fields.

What are your duties at RecruitLoop?

I have been involved with nearly all stages of the RecruitLoop Process and have created campaigns, uploaded job advertisements, screened candidates at many stages and used different programs to ensure good quality candidates for clients with the help of Kim.

Do you work part-time?
I have a casual role as a swimming instructor at Colmslie Pool, which I have had since I was in high school.
Are you heavily involved in uni life?
When I began my degree I was more involved with ‘Uni Life’ but I wouldn’t say I am heavily involved anymore as I keep myself very busy with work, family commitments and my final year of study.

What do you get up to on the weekend?
I work both Saturday and Sunday in my casual job, but try to make time for relaxation with family and friends at least one of those afternoons each week.