As mentioned in our previous article, if you want to attract high calibre candidates to the role and your business, and have them accept the offer to come work with you, then you need to impress those candidates.
So how can you make a GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION???
- Your Job Advertisement needs to paint a positive and clear picture about the role and your business.
- The Shortlisting Process needs to be carried out efficiently – Where possible, you should hold face to face interviews within two to three weeks from when you commence advertising.
- The Interview MUST include the Immediate Supervisor – Consideration should be given to include other key stakeholders such as the Business Owner/ Senior Manager – this will save time in needing a second interview.
- Be Prepared for the Interview and be On-Time – Review the candidate’s application again prior to bringing them into the room and have the details with you.
- Be Professional in how YOU Present yourself and Communicate – This is your first opportunity to gain the respect of your potential new employee.
- Be Aware of the Candidate – Give them the chance to ask questions as well.
- Be prepared to make a final decision ASAP and communicate this with the Candidate so they know when they can expect to hear from you again.
- Do your reference checks and other background checks quickly, and make your decision within three days.
- CALL your preferred candidate to offer them the job – Congratulate them, let them know you’re looking forward to having them on board and give them details around the salary and start date – And that you will be sending them the Formal Offer of Employment by EMAIL.
- Email the Formal Offer of Employment within 24 hours of your phone call – The Formal Offer should ALWAYS include a copy of the Position Description.
- Phone them a couple of days before their start date to make them feel welcomed and ensure they know what time to start, whom to ask for and what to expect.
- Ensure you have their work station with computer, emails and logins all set up ready to go.
- Have a formalised plan for the first week – which is centred around their training and who will be facilitating it.
- Ensure others in the business know that a New Person is starting and what their role is – encourage them to make their newest team member feel welcomed.
- You as the Manager MUST take the time to meet them on their First Day, conduct regular check-ins during the week and again take the time to meet with them at the end of the week. Regular check-ins are a MUST for a Manager to conduct throughout every employee’s time with your business.
We don’t believe that any of these points are difficult – with a little bit of time and planning you can create a lasting positive impression that will ensure your staff respect you and want to stay with the business.
Why Not Outsource YOUR recruitment and save the Headache, Time and Money?
Acworth Recruitment utilises an integrated online candidate platform that also incorporates Automated Video Interviews, which provides a detailed overview of the shortlisted candidates – thus allowing our clients to make their decisions in a timely manner based on detailed information, and therefore provide a Great First Impression.
Acworth Recruitment is a genuine outsource recruitment option with a cost-effective hourly charge model. You can outsource as much or as little as you want. No job is too big or too small – $50 to $5,000.
For an obligation free discussion feel free to give Kim Acworth a call on 0411 278 281 or email at finders@acworthrecruitment.com.au.
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