With the current employment market being so tough, proactive and motivated job seekers are looking for ways to get an edge on their competitors……..so maybe taking your application directly into the Manager is a way to stand out…….???
Let’s first of all have a quick walk in the shoes of the Manager who is trying to fill the role……A Manager’s day is ALWAYS busy…..the To Do List is constantly requiring reprioritisation with bush fires and unexpected issues…..lunch breaks rarely exist….and the fact that they are needing to hire someone is a pretty good indication that they are short staffed!! So unexpected and unnecessary interruptions are not viewed favourably.
If the Manager and business has decided to outsource the recruitment process to a Professional Recruiter……this has been done for a reason……most likely because they don’t have the time or resources to do it themselves. They are very comfortable handing over the advertising and shortlisting while they get on with running their business.
So what happens when you email your application directly to the company via an email address you found on the website……it gets forwarded by the receptionist who monitors the enquiry emails to the person she thinks may be looking after the job…..when it eventually makes it to the right manager after a couple of days – it then gets forwarded straight to me simply saying “this came directly to us”. So in fact, you actually held your own application up by sending it directly to the company.
To be honest, it can sometimes have a negative result……I’ve had Managers reject such applications simply because “you can’t follow the instructions in the advertisement”…..and they want an employee who will follow procedures.
Whilst you feel that you’re being proactive……showing enthusiasm……and trying to gain a positive advantage………the Manager is likely to see it differently.
Even if you’ve had negative experiences with Recruitment Agencies and Professional Recruiters in the past…..remember that the Manager/ Business Owner has chosen to work with this particular recruiter and you need to respect their decision.
If you decide that putting an application in directly with the business is definitely something you need to do then here are some tips on handling it with RESPECT:
- If emailing your application through – be clear where you saw the position advertised, what the position is and that you have also applied through the Recruiter as per the advertisement instructions.
- Still apply to the Recruiter…..and let them know that you have also sent an application directly to the client.
- If you take your application in person to the business, then be VERY respectful and friendly to the Receptionist – advise that you saw the advertisement for the position and sent an application to the Recruiter as per the advertisement – but as you live locally and like to be proactive, you decided that it would be a good opportunity to see where the business was and provide a copy of the application directly as well……”Would you mind passing this application onto the relevant Manager for me”?……..DO NOT ASK TO SEE THE RELEVANT MANAGER!!! If the receptionist thinks it would be appropriate…..and is impressed by you…..then she will offer.
Make sure you’re following on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/RecruitLoop-Kim-Acworth-185674054963527/?fref=ts) as I’ll share some other great tips and social media pages you can follow later this week